Emergency Care - Leila C Reader Fund

Under the Leila C Reader Fund, Save the Mothers received funds for emergency medicines to support vulnerable and needy mothers. Save the Mothers partnered with Boroboro health centre in northern Uganda, Mbale People's hospital in eastern Uganda, Mubende hospital in western Uganda, and Kagando hospital in Kasese, western Uganda. Emergency food was provided to the Karamonja region after severe flooding

NASG Suits - Jeffs Fund
Non-pneumatic Anti-Shock Garment (NASG) is a fit-for-purpose device that can save women’s lives by reducing blood loss and stabilizing the women until treatment is available. It reduces blood flow to the uterus and treats hypovolemic shock while allowing health staff to repair sites where bleeding occurred. To be implemented in Mukono, Buikwe, and Buvuma Health Centres in 2023.

Annual Scholarship - Kelton Fund
Each year a student is chosen by Save the Mothers East Africa to be the recipient of the Kelton Fund scholarship program.

Annual Scholarship - Dr. Beth Veal Fund
Each year two student areselected  by Save the Mothers East Africa to be the recipient of the Dr. Beth Veal Fund scholarship program.

Training Program - Sisters of St. Josephs in Canada
This program trains adolescent girls and women in hygiene, nutrition, financial planning (savings pool), and livelihood (soap and dress making)


Save the Mothers

Uganda Christian University
Plot 67-173, Mukono Hill,
Bishop Tucker Road
P.O. Box 4, Mukono, Uganda
Email Us: EAdirector@savethemothers.org


Save the Mothers promotes maternal health in the developing world through education, public awareness and advocacy. Based in Uganda and North America, Save The Mothers is part of a global movement to improve the health of mothers and babies.
