PhD news in the family

PhD news in the family

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Introducing Dr Obed Kabanda and Dr Thierry Uhawenimana. Congratulations on attaining your PhDs. STM is proud of your achievements.

Dr Thierry Uhawenimana – MPHL 2011 class

I have completed my doctoral degree in Integrated Nursing and Midwifery from the University of Dundee, UK. My research project focused mainly on male partners' attendance at labour and/or birth from the context of low and middle income countries.

I first looked at the factors influencing male partners' presence and participation in childbirth process. After identifying these factors, I proceeded with investing the factors affecting the implementation male partners' attendance at labour and/or birth when the woman wishes for that in Rwandan health facilities. My wish is to explore this topic from a large scale survey involving at least 10 or 15 low resources countries in East and Southern Africa. Like I said when I joined the MPHL, my passion will always be to promote safe motherhood and male involvement in maternal and child health through research, developing and implementing health promotion interventions, and contributing to teaching of future midwives and other champions to promote maternal and child health.

I would also take this opportunity to thank Save the Mothers, especially Prof. Jean Chamberlain for having inspired and supported me to pursue the Masters of Public Health Leadership.

 Next, I would like to thank all lecturers of the MPHL program for having inspired me to love maternal and child health.

I also would like to thank Dr. Miriam, Mrs. Jemimah Mutabazi, and Olive Sentumbwe for their participation in validating the questionnaires that developed in the course of my PhD.  Lastly, I would like to thank Catherine Mwesigwa for her supervisory support during my Masters' degree. 

Together, we can ensure that no mother dies giving birth!

Catch Thierry’s recent publication here:


Dr Obed Kabanda – MPHL 2008 class


On his graduation day Obed wrote: “Feeling energized for a new beginning today June 13th after this graduation, and looking forward to better days ahead in contributing to Humanity and a better World! I am humbled for having scooped two important Awards:* “The Distinguished Seattle University Graduate of the Year 2021” and “The 2021 Spirit of the College of Education Award”.

It’s been a journey worth trekking with PAIN, PATIENCE and PERSEVERANCE since 2018.

Being a first-gen student, husband and a parent many miles away from home (Uganda), neither the global pandemic, nor the racial protests or lack of a scholarship deterred me from pursuing my DREAM at Seattle University Washington!

With God’s grace, and the unwavering support from FRIENDS, FAMILY and FACULY, the DOCTORAL load became lighter day by day until the end.



Obed quotes Nelson Mandela: “There is no passion to be found playing small – in settling for a life that is less than the one you are capable of living.” 

Save the Mothers

Uganda Christian University
Plot 67-173, Mukono Hill,
Bishop Tucker Road
P.O. Box 4, Mukono, Uganda
Email Us:


Save the Mothers promotes maternal health in the developing world through education, public awareness and advocacy. Based in Uganda and North America, Save The Mothers is part of a global movement to improve the health of mothers and babies.
